As I reflect at this time of my life my ALS diagnosis has made me realize my independent lifestyle was misdirected. I learned too late how dependent on God’s provision of daily needs we really are. As of this writing I am without use of my hands or voice, reduced to typing by eye gaze technology, cradled in a hightech powered wheelchair. I must use a sling to get placed into a hospital bed, where I attempt to sleep a few hours before my mouth dries out.
I share this not to complain, but to demonstrate God’s loving provision of my needs on a daily basis. I am utterly helpless in my own strength. I feel cradled in palm of God’s hand like never before. I wish I could have learned such dependence in an easier manner but my path here was my of my own choosing.
I should have shown more kindness, expressed my love more freely and told family how proud I was of them more often. I am so thankful for God’s hand on my life. Even though my very breath is failing I will praise my God who loves me through all this and will take me to live with Him when I’m done serving on this earth.
If this is my last post I want to encourage you to yield your life to Christ and depend upon Him daily based on the promises in God’s holy Word (Bible). When all is done you will hear Him say well done!
I am always in amazement of you, my sweet husband…I count it a blessing and a joy to be on this journey thru life with you – though we may be separated for a time…I take joy in knowing we will be together again in Heaven – for now…we will live life together, my Love.
Kevin, I have always admired you and your family’s faith in Christ. I thank you for inspiring me to love God more.
Thanks so much for that, Kevin. It’s the hardest lesson of life for most of us; to let God in.
You are so loved my dear, dear friend. I cherish every moment of our friendship, from crazy school days, church, SPBC visits, marriages, children, grandchildren, reunions, and just sharing our lives. I am grateful for Sandy’s friendship over these years as well. Please know I will carry these friendships for the rest of my life. God is so good, even in the worst of times. Your story has made me mindful of the important things we should never take for granted… and the small things too. You are an excellent testimony to God’s grace and love. Your faith is beyond words. I love you my friend.
What a privileged it is for me to call you my friend. You and your family are a true inspiration to me. I see so much of you in the faces of your children and grandchildren. I know their hearts are a bit broken at the thought of you leaving this earthly life.
I can’t help but remember all of the fun we had in high school. The pranks and just hanging out. Our little tribe surely shared something special. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.
I can’t imagine what is going through your mind let alone not able to voice those thoughts. I do know that God hears them. I will continue to keep you all in my heart and prayers. Until we meet again….
Dear Kevin,
I’m totally humbled. I’m ashamed. I’ve had a few frustrating things occur in recent years. I now realize they were of no real consequence. I’ve been whining about a recent procedure which is causing me frustration. I now hang my head and want to hide my face. I now, maybe for the very first time, truly understand what feeling shame is. I’ve been focused only on me. Oh, I thought, maybe even believed, I cared about and loved others, Jesus most of all. I now see I haven’t. Not really. Not truly. Not fully.
I see now. Yes, I now realize that my eyes were never really open about anyone or anything. Not even about myself. Fully opened eyes now? I don’t know. I was so wrong before. Might I be wrong again? I desperately want to believe that through you, Jesus has now widely opened my eyes. Really. Truly. Fully.
I’m so sorry, Kevin. I’m sorry for so much and for so many. I will pray for you and my prayers will encompass all those whom you love as well as those who love you.
Thank you, Kevin. Your heart has touched mine and I now believe I understand exactly why it has.
God bless and keep you and yours, Kevin. And may God allow us to one day meet one another face to face.
Beautiful message. Thank you for sharing this Kevin. Praise to the Lord for his grace and mercy toward his own children. What a joy to know that you belong to Him. He will perform all his perfect will in each of his children’s lives until that day of his return. I am praying for you and your family. In Christ Jesus, Leah Zalizniak
Dear Kevin, you are doing an amazing job sharing your faith in God. Your message as difficult as it was to write will touch people for many decades to come! Please believe that and believe you are important each day of your journey. God certainly is using you and your suffering at this time to be a witness to him! I will thank God every day of the rest of my life being given the chance to hear about you and from you. Please write another passage or more if you have an opportunity to do so! What you have to say, your witness and suffering will lead many to Christ! Thank you for drawing me closer to Christ. I will share your message of faith. God knows your heart and loves you! I will pray you are able to sleep and to have time with your family and friends that fills your heart with happy memories and true peace and joy. Thank you for your gift of faith!
In my prayers. We will light candles at church for you. Judie and Scott and family.
(A family friend)