We are very blessed here in Central Wisconsin! This year’s “Party in the Park” August 5th, was a grand success due wholly to God’s provision. Community support was very strong and city and school officials were very complimentary of the efforts of many volunteers to set up, staff and clean up after such a huge gathering with many quality afternoon activities offered.
Over 400 people attended the evening concert by “Seventh Day Slumber”. Many lives were changed and families renewed by forgiveness thru Christ as the testimony of lead singer Joseph Rojas was spoken and the Spirit’s call to repentance was heeded. Walls were broken down all over among the crowd and countless lives were impacted by the God’s presence.
I am so proud of Jesse and Amanda Roe’s vision and obedience in organization of this event again this year. By God’s grace they finished the event financially strong with a testimony of humility, and God is still opening doors to them for further impact in service to the local community. Their clear vision for reaching out to today’s struggling youth is both sincere and active.
Much of my family and friends served skillfully to staff this event. Many thanks to my daughter Deondra, who took many excellent professional photos documenting this years event. Central Wisconsin is truly blessed.