I have been trying to find you for several years! I think I remember you visiting me in the hospital after my first amputation, but I was completely out of it for a couple of months. I have had a total of 29 procedures since then. I have had both legs amputated to stumps (one 12″ and one 6″) This was all caused by a pesky staph infection. I would love to talk to you sometime (if you don’t mind). My Email is above. Phone is 715.486.5004 afternoons any day afternoons ONLY on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday (dialysis). Look forward to talking to you.
I have been trying to find you for several years! I think I remember you visiting me in the hospital after my first amputation, but I was completely out of it for a couple of months. I have had a total of 29 procedures since then. I have had both legs amputated to stumps (one 12″ and one 6″) This was all caused by a pesky staph infection. I would love to talk to you sometime (if you don’t mind). My Email is above. Phone is 715.486.5004 afternoons any day afternoons ONLY on Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday (dialysis). Look forward to talking to you.